The Best of ‘Crew’ – On Work, Life, Productivity, Writing, and Learning.



A few days ago I was reading the blog of one of my favorite web designers, NoSidebar by Brian Gardner. He wrote a post titled ‘The Best Resources for Consuming Creative Content‘ – a brilliant post, in which he mentions a brilliant company called ‘Crew‘.

A few days later, I emerged having read every article they have ever posted on their blog. I know, I know, but they were just too great to pass up. Little did I know that I was already using something Crew created almost everyday, a free image site called Unsplash (Oh, and unsplash just turned 2).

Just some of the brilliant imagery found on

Even though they have already created their own “Best of Crew” Round-Up post – all that does is gives you a great place to start, but its by no means ALL of their best stuff.

So, I have curated my own list of all the articles of theirs that I have enjoyed and found education on the topics of Work, Life, Productivity, Writing, and Learning – that’s not how they separate it but I do find it fitting.

You will read posts from the science of fonts, to the science of persuasion (a great piece considering I wrote a book on the topic on Amazon), to the questions that haunt me such as, ‘Coffee vs Beer: Which drink makes you more creative?‘.

It is also brilliant to see that some of their posts are inspired by some of my favorite writers like Leo Babauta and James Clear, like this post on habits and systems, not goals, which is kinda what I talk about not aiming for success.

Before you begin reading through this list, you should probably read their post: How to improve your reading retention on any device.

Here goes, enjoy.

On Work

On Life

On Productivity

On Writing

On Learning

I hope you enjoyed the list (don’t worry, take your time, its worth it).

While you’re still here, check out their Beginner’s Guide to Building an online business.

That’s all for now folks – enjoy.


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