Category: Business
Companies assisting small businesses during COVID-19
Small businesses are the lifeblood of many economies around the world. The recent COVID-19 outbreak is having a disproportionate impact on these businesses, who lack the resources of larger organizations to stay open. Here is a list of technology companies that are helping small businesses by enabling remote work throughout this period. Book: The Top…
Life @ Codeable – You can be happy at work.
Exceptional by exceptions – When Work meets heart. Prologue: Happiness is not the goal. You do not need to always be happy. Have great days all the time. But being content and fulfilled can accompany through light and through the darkness. I have had a decade long career in the WordPress, Web, and Tech world…
The bright side of imposter syndrome.
In my decade in the tech industry, I have never met a person who has experienced imposter syndrome who was terrible at their vocation. As a side-note confession, I have, many times in my career – especially during times of transition – I, too, have experienced, like most, the pangs of imposter syndrome with one’s…
On usefulness over accuracy in dev – the broken clock conundrum.
Here is a thought experiment. Imagine two clocks; both analogue. The first clock is broken. But in terms of accuracy its exactly correct twice a day. The second clock is a minute off; technically, it’s the most useful one; but it’s never exactly correct. But it’s the one thats useful. I see coding and the…
4 Simple Tips to Better Communication for devs. (or how to avoid conflict, confusion, and talk to people).
If I were to look back over my last decade in the tech world and pick one thing as my single best decision as a developer – I’d say choosing to study psychology rather than computer science. The most significant impact studying psychology had was on my communication skills, which, as a developer, put me…
Presentation at Cape Town PHP Meetup Group on Efficiency in a Development Environment
Last night, 17th November 2015, I had the honor of speaking alongside Sarah Nicholson at the Cape Town PHP Meetup Group on the topic of ‘Efficiency in a Development Environment‘. The evening was wonderfully organised by Shaun Morrow, who sets up these events in the PHP community in Cape Town as a wonderful way of…
Fact: Business Writing Sucks
…and how to change the suck and be heard. Riddle: What takes up space and makes no sense, is boring yet important, makes readers see red instead of being read, and nothing valuable is ever said? Answer: Business Writing!
The Death of Content Marketing
A Eulogy for Content Marketing with content that will make you ‘content’ I never thought that I would ever be happy at a funeral, but our Dear Ol’ Friend Content Marketing has passed away, and it is for the best. May he rest in peace. Although, knowing him, ‘R.I.P’ probably means “Return If Possible” (#hashtag).
Hot-air Balloons: The Secret to Entrepreneurial Success
How to start, stay and be awesome in business Floating above the world, looking down to an earth that is slowly getting smaller with every second that passes. As you rise higher you see the world with greater clarity, the bigger perspective emerges and you see everything as it is… and as it should be.…